Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rhetorical Appeals: Against Parental Notification

Now, it's time to use rhetorical appeals to create counterclaims. In the comments section below, write counterclaims for the arguments against parental notification that use one of the classical rhetorical appeals.

At the top of your comment: write "Counterclaim - and whether you are using ethos, pathos, or logos."

Just a reminder: 

Counterclaim - a statement that is in opposition to the previous claim.  A counterclaim argues against the point being made.

Ethos this is based on credibility. If you respect the source of the argument, you might believe it. This appeal is based on being an authority, respected, and likeable.

Silly model - I am one of you.  I was raised in this neighborhood.  I live on your block.  I know, because I struggle with this issue too, that we need to start eating more cow’s liver in our diets.

Pathos - this is based on emotions. By getting the audience to engage with their feelings on the issue and using their emotions to convince them of your position.

Silly model - How can anyone imagine eating the bloody insides of something as cute and cuddly as a potbellied pig, or a little baby chick? Anyone who could think of killing an animal so precious and adorable must have no feelings at all.

Logos - this is based on logic and reasoning. By having strong facts (evidence) and explaining the facts in a reasonable way that can be understood and followed by the audience, you can convince them of your position.

Silly model - By switching to a diet in which we eat every part of the animals being consumed for food we will reap a number of benefits.  We will be able to lower our carbon footprint, decreasing pollution, by using the entire animal and avoiding waste.  Our grocery bills will also be greatly reduced because the cost of many of these parts of the animal are low.  

If you want to look back at the sources your class has accumulated to help make your brief arguments, click on this link:

Sources for evidence against parental notification


  1. This is a Pathos and Logos argument.

    Doctors shouldn't have to notify parents if a minor is having an abortion. Study showed that 43% of minor girls told a parent themselves before getting an abortion while only 55% of those 14 and under did so. This means that most teens are probably scared or are afraid to talk to their parents. A minor shouldn't have to bring a child into the world, if they aren't ready, it'll just make the child suffer. Currently, about half (51%) of the 6.6 million pregnancies in the United States each year (3.4 million) are unintended. Allowing parental notification will just increase the rate.

    1. Counterclaim : Pathos

      Having no support and help is worse than being afraid to tell your parent. What I mean by this is going through an abortion alone is worse than having to tell a parent who can help you and support you. We all know that going through an abortion isn't easy especially if you're young which is why it would be better if you had the warmth and assistance of your parent. Therefore, this is why doctors should have to notify parents before a minor receives an abortion.

  2. Pathos

    Parents shouldn't be notified when their child is having an abortion because that could ruin their relation ship with their child and the parent may not trust them anymore because their child decided not to tell them she was pregnant. Plus some parents won't take the news well and may abuse the child for having sexual intercourse and not protecting themselves. Will you do that to a child and cause emotional and physical pain to them just because you told their parent they were having an abortion.

  3. Ethos: Many teens are sexually active and some don't use protection. Teens visit their doctors and don't have to tell their parents that they went to the doctor to get checked for any disease . We don't need to tell our parents everything.

    1. Counterclaim - Logos
      Parents do deserve to know what is going on with their kids. A parent might have more knowledge on something than their child does. They could guide them to make the right decision. You're young and you THINK you know what to do but your parents know what's best for you.

    2. pathos
      Counterclaim: Put yourself in a parents shoes. You have a kid and say she got pregnant and wanted to get an abortion. A procedure as serious as that could do more harm than good sometimes and if your kid wanted to do that wouldn't you want to know that they plan to? If anything should happen to that child and knowing that your responsible to take care of her I'm sure u would feel awful. It might seem parents are evil but all they want is the best for you so I believe they should be notified.

  4. pathos

    I believe when it comes to abortions parents have the right to know. The doctor
    HAS to inform the adolescents parents. The reason i say this is because teenagers don't know the health risks there is when you do an abortion and there's could be many medical issues due to an abortion. Many teens get pregnant, i am pretty sure the teen wants to tell their parents because they are scared but many parents would react very violently their for teens are becoming very sneaky, don't you think parents should have a better understanding? i am sure parents made mistakes also, we are all humans.

  5. Pathos : How can you vision your parents dealing with news like "I went to the doctor to check for any disease because I had sex with no protection." You would have to be really close and brave enough to tell your parents that.

  6. Minors should not have to notify their parents on parental notification. First off, as a teen you're personal being should be allowed for only you to have discussed about to a doctor rather then having you're parents have every amount of space on you. Although, as a parent you should have a concern for your child and know that he/she is doing the right thing, but it can be true that kids raised with strict and harsh punishment may cause rebellion. As me being a teen i believe that it is better off to trust you're child unless you see a specific change in them. If are able to respect their decisions of either being protected in life with for example, wanting to take a H.P.V shot. You should learn to understand, so they could at least be safe then in a more in depth situation. Even if they do things you wouldn't ever accept you're child to do, it may have already done so the least you could do is be there for them as much of a disappointment it can sound and be. You should rather you're child to be safe then sorry.

  7. Pathos
    Teenagers should be able to get abortions without their parents being notified. Picture yourself in their position. You're a pregnant teen. You're terrified and have no clue what to do. You're not ready for a baby and you know you can't talk to your parents. Abortion is your one option to get rid of the baby but you don't want your parents to know about it. Teenagers are also scared to tell their parents because of what they will do or say. The parents might physically, verbally or emotionally harm them.

  8. I believe that not telling parents about getting sexual health is the better way to go .Teens may be living in a confusing environment that may not be safe to tell their parents about their choices. Having somewhere to go when they're in need of any type of birth control, protection, or help with conception is important. They are able to take it upon themselves to make sure that they're going to be okay in their situation. Parents cannot control the actions of their children.

    1. Counterclaim: Parents are responsible for their child while their under 18 so if anything should happen the kid wont be in trouble it will be the parent, so how can the parent protect them if they don't even know what their kid is up to? It will look bad on the parent and people will think that the parent doesn't care about the child because they don't even know whats going on in their life. If the parent feels they know whats best for their child let them be because after all they were the ones who gave birth to them and is responsible for them so I believe in parental consent.

  9. Pathos.

    Teens are still minors. It doesn't matter if they are pregnant or not, they are still children. Sometimes children don't know what they are feeling. They don't know if they are making the right choice. Teens need their parents or guardian to help them make the right choice. Sometimes teens don't understand that they are killing a person due to abortion. They might feel guilty later on, or feel like they made the wrong choice. Parents need notification. Parents need to help their teen and come up with some sort of understanding. Together, teens and parents can then figure out what to do together. But I don't think that a teen should make that choice on their own.

    - Malea

  10. Pathos
    Arguement: Everyone is allowed privacy so why cant teens have their privacy too? Imagine a scared pregnant teen afraid to tell her parents because of what they might do/say. If she wants a chance to fix things before her parents find out or if she wants to protect herself while making the decision to have sex shouldn't they at least be given some privacy to do that. Everyone has a right to privacy and not allowing teens to have their privacy is a violation of the constitution.

    1. pathos
      teens should not make a big decision like this one by them self and that is why a parent should be notified so they can help them make the right decision because they never know if the are going to hate them self later and do not have anyone to go to later.

  11. An pathos and logos argument
    I strongly feel that parents should have a right to know if their kids have an abortion. But then again some kids may feel like their parents may react in a manner that is very unpredictable but not in a settle way some kids get kicked out or even beaten for the choices they make and some parents even endanger themselves.

  12. Logos : Many parents act very violent to their children because their going behind their backs and having unprotected sex. For a fact you can go to the doctor and do what ever you have to do like get the HPV shot , birth control or condoms just to be safe with out your parents knowing about it.

    1. Pathos
      While it is true that some parents use force to try and keep their children under control, this probably would not be an issue if the child told their parents the truth in the first place. It causes trust issues between the parent and child when they keep secrets.

  13. Pathos
    Argument- Many teens would like to tell their parents there having but the fear of their parents rage overcome the chance of them to. I think everyone makes mistakes so parents shouldn't be upset but they should also accept the fact that their child is trying to get rid of the mistake they made.

  14. Pathos
    Teenagers should be able to get abortions without their parental consent because a lot of kids fear their parent and they know the consequences of whats going to happen if they were to come in the house and tell their parents that they are having a baby at a young age. also because some kids just don't have a heart to heart relationship with their parents that they feel that they can be able to tell them whats going on in their life. Put yourself in their position if you was having a baby at a young age would you feel comfortable telling your mom that your pregnant ? Teens are Teens they make mistakes in life and they learn from them. Sometimes a Teens just need a parent to always be their and give them advice in life and tell them whats right from whats wrong

  15. Logos & Pathos

    50% of pregnant teens have been victims of abuse both mentally and physically, while they were still pregnant. Most of the abuse have been done by family members or their own partner. Teens fear that they might be harmed or get thrown out or worse. Stories have been told that some teens get killed by family members before they even have the baby. So why take the risk of harming teens. If teens think that their parents won't kill them, then they will tell them.

  16. Pathos and logo:
    Many teens are having sexual activity with people nearly 42% of U.S teens are having sex and ages 15-19 accounted for 16.2 abortions. Think if you were in there shoes and maybe your parents may hurt you physically and emotionally for doing such a silly mistake. You may never know that most of the time the minor is being sexual abused at home.

    1. Counterclaim

      Parents should be notified if their kids are accessing sexual health services. First of all, it is true many teens are having sex. But sex is no silly mistake. You can get an STI, pregnant, and can even cause pain on the body. If these teens ages 15-19 that had sex and accounted for 16.2 abortions, they should not be having sex at all. They are still very young. Also if the minor is getting sexual abused at home, having sex would probably be the last thing these teens would think about. Parents should be notified because they are mature and usually know whats best for their child.

    2. counterclaim : ethos
      Yes, then if it was a hard situation like that it should be the doctors concern, It would be best to do the right thing. And if one parent was not aware of what is being happened at home, you should have all rights to tell that parent. Killing a child and being abused for doing it was never a good thing and for it to have a continuation isn't right. You gotta stand up and do whats right.

    3. Counterclaim - Ethos

      My dearest friend, although you are correct about teens and their sexual activity, abortion is a serious medical procedure. Every time a teen gets pregnant, they can't just kill the human in their body. Parents are responsible for their teens well-being. So if the teen gets an abortion and something goes wrong, wouldn't you want to be notified ? -

  17. Ethos
    No, teenagers shouldn't have to notify their parents in order to access sexual health services. Doctors say that not all parents would allow their child to have access to sexual health services because they're not comfortable with it and they think their child is too young and not having sex. They think their is no point in them having access to such services because they're not ready for sex and their staying abstinent

  18. Ethos and pathos
    Arguement: Everyone is allowed privacy so why shouldn't teens be allowed it too? Coming from a teen, It's not like we don't wanna tell our parents, it's just that we are scared of what might happen when we do. Not everyone has "understanding" parents. Many of us have parents who are abusive so what do you think will happen if we were to say for example, "I'm pregnant". If we want to get access to sex health services I think it best to keep it private, because put yourself in a teens position , you would never walk up to your parent and say " I need condoms". The outcome of that would be horrible. What if we made a mistake and wanted to fix it without anyone knowing don't you think we should be allowed that? That's how we learn to take responsibility.

  19. This is a Pathos argument.

    Doctors shouldn't notify parents before a minor has an abortion. Imagine being as scared and terrified as the teenager in that position. The last thing they'd want to do is tell their parents especially if their family hurts them violently such as physically, verbally, and emotionally. Going through an abortion isn't easy especially if you're a teenager. Telling their parents would just make it more stressful for them which would add to the difficulties that the teenager is going through. So in this case, doctors notifying parents before a minor has an abortion would be the worst idea.

  20. Ethos
    Doctor shouldn't tell the parents because if the parents didn't know before they went to get an abortion the concequences would be greater the same would happen to me if i told them

    1. Counterclaim : Pathos:
      Think about how your parents feel deep down. They are probably or most of the time really hurt by the fact you went behind their back to get checked for anything because of having unprotected sex.

    2. Counterclaim- logos
      I believe that parents should have the right to know when it comes to abortions because medical issues and its very dangerous to the body and it may sometimes end up in death

  21. Ethos

    When a teen is sexually active they should be able to get access to sexual heath services without telling a parent. They knew exactly what they were doing and what they were getting themselves into. You can't have your parent holding your hand through everything, you have to work on things by yourself this is reality. As a teen I would want to take responsibility for my own actions. In this position I made the decision to have sex so I would want to go to a clinic by myself and learn about everything that I can do to stay healthy.

    1. Counterclaim - Pathos ?

      Although some teens may be responsible, not all teens are. Think of yourself as a parent. Would you want to know if your teen was getting an abortion ? Things may go wrong in the clinic. I feel like parents should know. Yes, teens should know what they are getting themselves into; but that still doesn't make them an adult. I'm not saying that parents should hold their hand, but maybe be there for moral support.

  22. Pathos
    Minors should not have to notify their parents to access sexual health services. Many kids would not tell their parents, they are having sex because they are afraid of the effects it would bring on them. Half of teens feel uncomfortable talking to their parents about sex. Imagine what the parents would do if they found out if their daughter was pregnant. Many parents hit their kids for the smallest things. Imagine what they would do if their kids were having sex.

  23. Minors should not have to notify their parents on parental notification. First off, as a teen you're personal being should be allowed for only you to have discussed about to a doctor rather then having you're parents have every amount of space on you. Although, as a parent you should have a concern for your child and know that he/she is doing the right thing, but it can be true that kids raised with strict and harsh punishment may cause rebellion. As me being a teen i believe that it is better off to trust you're child unless you see a specific change in them. If are able to respect their decisions of either being protected in life with for example, wanting to take a H.P.V shot. You should learn to understand, so they could at least be safe then in a more in depth situation. Even if they do things you wouldn't ever accept you're child to do, it may have already done so the least you could do is be there for them as much of a disappointment it can sound and be. You should rather you're child to be safe then sorry. via ramelll

  24. Pathos

    it wouldnt be nice to walk in to your house and you mom asking you "where have you been" and you tell her "getting birth control pills or an abortion" they reaction may be worse then what you though it was going to be.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Pathos & Logos :
      Teens shouldn't have to tell their parents if they're sexually active or if they're going to get an abortion because some teens might live in a very violent house where if that teen's parents found anything out they will be punished or beaten. Statistics say, 92% of all domestic violence incidents, crimes are committed by men against women. There is a story of a girl who is 17 and was pregnant. Her father was arrested for beating and choking her while she is 8 months pregnant. How would you feel if your parents reacted so negatively?
